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Kindness and Generosity Still Exist!


Yuba College Clear Lake Campus student, Tosha McKeehan, was walking home from school after an evening college course got out because the buses weren’t running.  A sweet classmate, Kiley Owens, offered her a ride.  The two students take Early Childhood Education courses together and have known each other for a couple of semesters.  As they drove and talked, Kiley found out that Tosha, at age 22, had adopted and was raising her two younger siblings.  In addition to caring for her five year old and 12 year old sisters, she was in the process of trying to adopt her 10 year old sister too.  She was a single parent, a college student, and working hard to support her siblings and doing all this without a car!

Needless to say, Kiley was touched and because she is a compassionate person, she wanted to help Tosha.  After she dropped Tosha off at her house, Kiley just happened to turn on the radio and heard an advertisement for a free car give away being held by G&C Auto Body in Ukiah, Windsor, and Santa Rosa.  She decided to enter the drawing for Tosha and contacted her professor, Dr. Laurie Daly, to get some needed information.  Kiley wrote about Tosha’s story, without her knowledge, and entered the drawing. 

One month later, she found out that Tosha won the car and G&C Auto Body indicated that they were so touched by Tosha’s story that they wanted to help her out even more.  Yay!  Tosha’s professor, Dr. Laurie Daly, got involved at this point and called G&C and asked them if they would consider providing Tosha with a laptop so that she could do her schoolwork without having to go to the College library to access a computer and printer.  Govinda Crozat, the Outreach Program Director from G&C Auto Body (a former teacher with an Ma.Ed in education) was so touched by Tosha’s story that she gave her the car PLUS $200 in gas, $300 at Safeway, $500 for general expenses, a laptop that turns around to be a tablet, an office suite of programs, a mouse, a laptop case, and a printer.  Wow!  What a generous gift from G&C Auto Body. This amazing gift will make Tosha’s, and in turn her siblings’, lives so much easier!

It is nice to know that kindness still exists!